Tuesday, November 16, 2010

May & June 2010

May 2010

My May 1st weigh in showed a two pound loss during April. I was down to 131.8 pounds. My clothes were getting very loose and I found some clothes that I had from several years ago that fit me perfect again! This was an exciting moment for me. I knew I had a shopping trip coming up in my future to get some smaller clothes but I decided to wait since I realized I was going to continue to lose weight.

I don't have a lot of notes about May. I relocated my workout space in April & May. I cleaned out the "laundry room" which is actually a pretty large room in the basement with a washer at one end of the room and the dryer at the other end. I installed a rubber floor and turned it into my scrapbook/craft/workout/laundry room. I brought an old TV down and hooked up the DVD player and VCR. I had all of my Gilad episodes upstairs on the DVR in the living room so I had to copy them all to VHS so I could workout downstairs. To add variety to my workouts and since I had a DVD player in my new workout space I alternated between the Gilad workouts and a DVD that I had purchased maybe 4 years ago and only used once or twice. It is the Quick Fix Total Mix DVD. This DVD allows you to create custom workouts by selecting up to 3 workout segments to create a custom routine for your workout. Each segment is 10 minutes long and it counts down while you work out. You can do 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or 30 minutes. It is your choice. The 9 segments to choose from are Abs Flex, Abs Crunch, Abs Burn, Buns Toner, Buns Firmer, Buns Shaper, Arms/Legs Combo, Leg Blaster, and Arms Toner. The only items required are a 3-8 pound set of dumbbells & a chair.

June 2010

On June 1st I weighed in at 127.6 pounds. I was down another 4.2 pounds- Wow! After all of the effort I had put into those Slim Fast diets in prior years I was amazed at how the pounds were just melting away now with so little effort. No calorie counting, no starving. I did not feel deprived. I no longer desired all of those highly processed products of modern food science that people refer to as "food". I was enjoying REAL foods. I wish I would have thought of this years ago!

Speaking of years ago...I had 2 other DVDs that I had bought at the same time as the Quick Fix DVD that were still wrapped in the plastic! Shame on me. Clearly at one point in time I had planned on working out but never followed through. I forgot to mention that when I started the Gilad workouts I had to open my BRAND NEW (still in the package after 4 years) yoga mat. IMPORTANT NOTE: workout equipment does nothing for you if you don't use it. So the first one I unwrapped was Crunch The Perfect Yoga Workout. There are 2 workouts on this DVD. One is "Fat Burning Yoga" and the other "The Joy of Yoga". I decided to try Fat Burning Yoga. Let's just say I decided Yoga was not for me. I found this to be extremely difficult. I don't seem to be flexible enough for yoga. Maybe I need "Yoga for Beginners" or "Pre- Yoga"??? I felt like I was being tortured doing this workout. If anyone thinks I should give it another try let me know...

So the following night I opened the other DVD. This one was Crunch Pick Your Spot Pilates which has 3 targeted 10 minute workouts for your belly, butt & thighs. This one worked out much better for me. I would do this one again. Maybe if I do this one enough I would be able to ease into the yoga but why bother if I don't enjoy it. If you don't like your workout you are less likely to do it. So I am thinking maybe I should list that yoga DVD on eBay...

I had some vacation time in June. I bought some 5 pound dumbbells. I had been using 3 pound dumbbells because that was all I had but they were too light. I also went shopping for some new summer pants and shorts since I was swimming in my old ones. I had lost almost 18 pounds total so I think I deserved some new clothes.

I found a pretty good book to read in June. The Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise. It made me sit down and count all of the hidden sugar in my foods. I don't know if I will ever be able to eat such a low amount of sugars as recommended in this book but I do think twice now before eating it. There are recipes in this book too. It was definitely an interesting book. I like to pick up a tip from this book and a tip from that book. I use the tips to customize my eating plan to suit my needs since there is always something that just does not work for me in each book. For example, I don't like mushrooms. Many of the recipes include mushrooms so I just leave them out and sometimes replace them with something I do like.

I am going to try to get the July post up a little quicker than I got this one up...sorry for the delay:)

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